OC Kaligis: A State Enterprise, Who Steal My Money

OC Kaligis/ist

Jakarta, 2 July 2020

Dear foreign investor

Kemenkumham Bali

To whom it may concern

1. One of the Indonesia’s Policy, for the development of the economy is to invite foreign insvestor to participate in investing their capital in the form of joint Venture Company.

2. As one of the Indonesia lawyer. I’m Prof Otto Cornelis Kaligis under the Suharto regime, was retained by a lot of foreign Company

3. They feel protected to build up a Joint Venture Company with Indonesia State Enterprise because their business is legally well protected under Indonedia Law.

4. During my 50 years experiences as a practicing lawyer, under this new regime, I manage to save some mo ey , for maintaining the continuation of my daily operatoing law firm.

5. Realizing that saving my money in state Owned Enterprise shall be fully legally protected, i save some money having an amount circa 2 million Singapore Dollars, under the term of agreement with the condition of:” well protected”.The validity of that agreement is only one year, subject to extensions. Since I do not extend , Jiwasraya has the obligation under that agreement to pay back my deposit.

6. Beyond my expection, suddenly because of mismanagement, The Head of the Company involved in corruption case, causing that all customers who investing their many shall loose the possibility to be paid. I never come to think and realize that state Owned Enterprize shall cheat their customers.

7. If so is the case , how investor can cooperate with State owned Enterprise when there is no legal protection to their investment?

8. I make this declaration after trying to negotiate with PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (State Owned Insurance Company) a state Enterprise, who steal my money . My trial for amicable negotiation come to a dead lock situation, because i see that jiwasraya has no intention to repay me. Jiwasraya has no good faith at all for repayment. Even my complain to Mr Erick Thohir Minister of state Owned Enterprise bring to no result.

I address my declaration to all the journalist Foreign investor, as part of my effort to seek for justce

Faithfully yours,
Prof. Otto Cornelis Kaligis
Cc.Excellency Mr. Erick Thohir. Minister of State owned Enterprise.

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